Darkroom Printing Intensive

December 5 - 8, 2024

Santa Fe, New Mexico

Alan Ross knows traditional darkroom and master printing techniques perhaps better than any other photographer today. Under his patient and expert guidance, you will immerse yourself in the magic and methodology of the traditional darkroom—just as Alan practiced side-by-side with Ansel Adams—learning tricks and techniques for crafting an image that expresses your vision.

During this four-day intensive hands-on workshop, Alan will discuss, explain and carefully demonstrate the way he approaches printing to achieve an expressive, tonally rich, fine print. In turn, you will have access to an enlarger to practice with your own negatives, under Alan’s guidance.

In addition to reviewing your existing prints, which you are encouraged to bring, Alan will provide continuous support to each attendee, personally helping you improve your photographic darkroom skills during our workshop.

Among the Topics Covered:

  • Evaluating a negative
  • Relationship between film development and contrast
  • Effects of different types of enlarging light sources on paper contrast
  • Tactics for choosing paper contrast and exposure, and subsequent refining of the selected options
  • Controlled, creative dodging and burning, including timing, graduation and tools
  • Introduction to Alan’s hands-free dodging and burning technique, Selective Maskin,g for complete control of image tones
  • Pros and cons of various processing chemicals
  • Selenium toning and processing for permanence
  • Finishing and presentation


  • Facility: Alan’s personal darkroom and studio space in Santa Fe, New Mexico. He has two enlargers, both capable of 35mm to 8×10. Participants will rotate use of the enlargers.
  • Print viewing and all discussions will take place in Alan’s finishing room and around the dining table. 
  • Please note: All chemicals will be provided but you will need to bring your own paper.
  • Who Should Attend: Anyone with a working knowledge of darkroom fundamentals, and with some experience, and who also wants to improve his or her silver-gelatin printing technique.
  • Class Limit: 4 students
  • Class Hours: 9 AM – 5 PM with a lunch break midday.
  • Accommodation: Lodging and meals are the responsibility of each participant. Santa Fe is home to numerous hotels, motels, and VRBO/Airbnb rentals.  
  • Fee: $900 per person, plus a $50 materials fee. Included: four full days of instruction, darkroom use and chemicals. Not included: travel, transportation, lodging, meals or photographic supplies other than darkroom chemicals.
  • Cancellations and Refunds: If you need to cancel, please email or write to us before October 24th and your full payment will be refunded. If you cancel after October 24th, there will no refunds, but your payment can be credited towards a future workshop with Alan.

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